Hi Everyone:
This is an awesome call wanted to share with you..
Marks Paper Company Digital Hybrid Design Team Call
Marks Paper Company, a new scrapbook paper manufacturer and digital kit manufacturer. We are looking for designers of all styles, who love digital and hybrid scrapbooking and to help put MPCo on the map creatively.
Deadline to enter is Friday, March 26, 2009. Notification will be sent by e-mail no later than March 31, 2009.
Please send an e-mail with the following information to [email protected].
– Name, address, phone number and e-mail address.
– 2 digital layouts, representing your best work using digital scrapbooking. 1 Hybrid project, 1 Hybrid card. They can be something already completed or newly done. Please limit the size of the attachments to under 100k each.
– A link to your blog or online gallery.
– A short statement telling us about yourself.
– Information about any design teams that you are currently on. Forums you visit.
If chosen, we will need a photo of you for our website and a short bio. You will be required to do (4) Projects a month to be submitted to our website gallery. The term of the creative team position is six months from appointment.
Post projects on several sites and actively participate on our site, our Facebook group, galleries and blogs promoting Marks Paper Company.
We look forward to seeing your work.
Marks Paper Company
can u let me know about the telephone number of the=is website and fax if possible
You would need to e-mail the company for that information. btw please note this post is two years old and this DT call is no longer valid.