If you’re not familiar with no-line coloring with stamping, it’s where you use a light colored ink (instead of the standard black) so the outline fades away, it gives a very hand painted, artistic look. This technique requires some practice because you don’t have the dark outline to guide you for shading and shadowing or help you color inside the lines as easily but with some helpful tips you can learn this fun technique. I thought her most helpful tip is to create a study guide for yourself on where to add shading and shadowing to follow along the way.
You can use any coloring medium you like for no-line coloring, I frequently see alcohol markers used so this new tutorial from Kristina takes it even further by using watercolor and using Distress Ink pads instead of a watercolor pallet too. This will really stretch your creativity!
She’s sharing a wonderfully helpful video tutorial coloring in this darling stamped bear family over on her blog.
Visit K Werner Designs to check it out.
You can shop for Distress Ink Pads at Ranger Ink
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