image by Label Zone
Visit the Label Zone website for some really great tips on using a label makers in your crafting. They are especially great for keeping all your craft supplies organized but you can use them in your crafting as well. I love to put strips of white core cardstock through my label maker, emboss it then lightly sand it, it’s a cool but simple technique. Label Zone is also giving away 10 Brother PT-1000 label makers , scroll down and post a tip on their website and you’ll be entered for a chance to win. *** I appreciate the comments but please be sure you’re going to the Label Zone website to post your suggestions for a chance to win, don’t just post them here :)***
A label maker would be the perfect way to help me organize and identify my scrapbooking supplies. I certainly would love to win.
I would use one to organise my sheets of peel offs e.g. borders, text, outlines, christmas.
You could stick ribbon onto paper with double sided tape and then thread this through the printer to make your own message tape
Be sure to post your suggestion on THEIR website, not here 🙂 for a chance to win
Ooh thank you for this link. I would love one of these 😉 Have not got many tips for organisation seeing as I am the Queen of Chaos but have had a go on their site – would love one for scrapbooking 😀
I have found my label maker invaluable in keeping order in my chaotic craft room, and to be honest, it is a lot of fun coming up with creative names for my “important” items. My 9yr old grandson gets a kick out of labeling the whole house as well (including the cat!). I do find that I run through the tape and ink quite quickly and have found the folks at this site to be very helpful in getting me the supplies I need. ecomofficesupplies.com Anyway, love the site and love the blog. Have a wonderful day!
I label the childrens toy containers by writing on the side and also placing a picture of the items in a particular storage box so they can see what is in each box and as they get older they can read what’s there. I also try to organise the containers in my wardrobe by writing on the side what is in each e.g.- shoes, handbags, handkerchiefs etc. In my craft room I write on the drawers so I can see what is inside. would love to win this machine it would really help me out.- Kathy s
My husband labels everything…he would love to have this!