Even if you don’t read or receive Tarot Card readings you have to admit that the art work is usually very beautiful and detailed so these images make for amazing coloring pages. Dover Publications offers the Creative Haven Tarot Card Coloring Book filled with beautiful images with scrolling borders, Art Nouveau inspired art and some details about what each cards meaning is.
They are sharing 6 different pages including The Fool, The Empress, Strength and more, that you can preview as well as download for FREE to print and color yourself.
Click here to visit Dover Publication and get the downloads.
Coloring in sheets are a great way to calm the busy mind, as you focus on the coloring techniques your brain is actually able to calm itself and focus on less. Coloring is used to help relax and calm anxiety and stress. Coloring keeps our mental health in check and allows us to develop parts of the creative brain. We highly recommend Faber castell coloring pencils .
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